Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MediatR
Total dependencies: 616
K-Society Base is a full stack framework for microservices.
Notifique suas regras de negócio em sua API ao invés de usar exceptions!
Helper classes, structures and extension methods used to form a base for pragmatic, clean architecture minded design.
Code base for Xibao product
Basis for the domain layer of the Harpy Framework
This template is for a standard server (microservice) using gRPC protocol.
Supports base infrastructure in the library.
Supports Redis Bus for NetCoreKit.Infrastructure.Bus.
Supports a very abstraction of the in-memory and utilities for working with the bus.
The main Downlink package including the controllers and infrastructure code
Legacy code for compatibiltity with NBB 4.x. Reference this package only to support published language assemblies compiled against NBB 4
Oni is a general porpuse framework to simplify some of the app common requirenments such as email, data access, notifications, user management, etc. This package includes the providers for notifications, db queue, healthcheck for mongodb.
Implementation for messaging using MediatR
A MediatR pipeline for Blazor state management - Fork of with custom changes
AppBlocks intends to simplify the task of integrating Autofac into your application with emphasis on building supportable and testable applications
Free TON Client for Blazor
Shared in Interactive And Web Project - Doğuş Teknoloji
Provides a pipeline for DiagnosticSource-based instrumentation.
Improved mediator implementation in .NET