Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MediatR

Total dependencies: 616

Logging, Caching and FluentValidation middlewares for MediatR
MediatR extensions for SimpleInjector
MediatR pipeline caching on the top of the dotnet Core Distributed Caching
Adds basic instrumentation to the mediator request pipeline. Meters for total and failed requests and for execution time.
Simple MediatR pipeline behavior that creates a Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger scope logging start, finish and failure events including ellapsed time.
Facilitates sending Mediatr requests via JSON RPCs
EventSourcing, ES, CQRS, DDD, EventStore
EventSourcing, ES, CQRS, DDD, CosmosDB, Cosmos
MediatR Extension to raise domain events in .NET
Providing clean architect facilities
Providing common libraries of clean architect pattern
Twitch.MediatR is a wrapper for TwitchLib to make Twitch events available as MediatR notifications.
Domain-Driven Design pattern helper * Classes * Interfaces For more details see GitLab and look for the project.
CQRS alias for MediatR IRequest, IRequestHandler, INotification and INotificationHandler
Command Bus Abstractions for MediatR
Package Description
Package Description
Seedwork for domain driven project
The Shared Kernel for DeepSoftware's Applications