Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MediatR.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection

Total dependencies: 245

Helps to organize a service structure and architecture according to Clean Architecture.
Mediatr implementation for OpenMessage
C# utils libraries contain a collection of reusable models, helper methods and extensions. Specific to Application layer.
Helper classes, structures and extension methods used to form a base for pragmatic, clean architecture minded design.
Free TON Client for Blazor
Código en común para todas las apis
Some vertical slice architecture tools like validators, converters, etc.
Oni is a general porpuse framework to simplify some of the app common requirenments such as email, data access, notifications, user management, etc. This package includes the providers for notifications, db queue, healthcheck for mongodb.
Foundation Libraries
Biblioteca de funcionalidades para construção de Api. .Net 7
Controller logic, view models and services for the Schematic CMS framework
The main Downlink package including the controllers and infrastructure code
Supports base infrastructure in the library.
some tools for fast developing back-end.
Some useful extensions to make integration of MediatR into an ASP.NET Core Application easier. Currently the only feature is automatically passing the HttpContext.RequestAborted CancellationToken to handlers
Oni is a general porpuse framework to simplify some of the app common requirenments such as email, data access, notifications, user management, etc. This package includes the providers for notifications, db queue, healthcheck for mongodb.