Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Math.NET Numerics

Total dependencies: 229

stastistics, fractional number parsing, matrixbuilder singleton, random singleton, noisy equation generator, rounding helper, data normaliser, gaussian math (add,substract, multiply), histogram
C# implementation of the Wilson score
A NuGet package for simulating head-to-head matchups and applying the Colley algorithm
This library aims to implement different mathematical optimization algorithms, such as regular and conjugate gradient descent.
Library containing functions to use four curve similarity measures algorithms. Included: Longest Common Subsequence, Frechet Distance, Edit distance, Dynamic Time Warping. These functions are used with the MathNet.Numerics library for Matrices and Vertices.
Package Description
Function CHF Look Up Table 2006 IAPWS IF97 functions
A library for estimating psychometric functions
This package is used to run nanoFTIR spectrometer on Windows platform for .Net Core applications.
This package is used to run nanoFTIR spectrometer on Windows platform for .Net Core applications.
This package is used to run nanoFTIR spectrometer on Windows platform for .Net Core applications.
Set of simple mathematical classes in (Vectors, Matrixes, Polynoms, Systems of linear equations, Integrals methods, Complex numbers, Rational numbers, Graphs, Methods for solving differential equations) + some features such as memoize (function values memorising). Набор простых математических классо...
BlockNet is a framework, written in C#, that permits fast prototyping and deploy of control systems and simulators as well. It is structured in blocks of code and each block can be connected to others to form a schematic.
Graph# (SIL) is a graph layout framework. It contains some layout algorithms and a GraphLayout control for WPF applications. This is a fork of the Graph# library.
MATLAB一些数组操作的.Net实现,详见项目URL。 目前已实现的MATLAB函数:class zeros ones bsxfun reshape permute size colon plus minus cast imread rand arrayfun cat numel times rdivide eq ne gt lt max min decimal double single uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 int8 int16 int32 int64 mean sum atan isnan。 此外将System.Array类增强为Array(Of T),...
image edge detection fix MathNet suppport
#Plot (so-called SharpPlot) is a class-library devoted to bring live graph representation capabilities to .Net. The library is a human-friendly wrapper for the widely-known GNUplot software. The fundamental idea behind this project is to bring to .NET core the easiness provided by other libraries in...