Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Marten

Total dependencies: 34

MassTransit Marten persistence support; MassTransit provides a developer-focused, modern platform for creating distributed applications without complexity.
TwentyTwenty.DomainDriven.Marten Class Library
NodaTime extension for Marten
Command line tooling for Marten
A DataStore implementation over PostgreSQL and Marten
GoldenEye is a Full Stack framework written in .NET Core. The main goal of GoldenEye is to speed up your development process. It gathers most widely used frameworks in .NET world and pack them into a simple bootstrap Nuget packages. It also provide set of base classes, helpers, extensions that will ...
A Marten implementation of the ASP.NET Core Identity stores.
A set of FSharp wrappers around Marten
Package Description
Contains an enhanced version of the ProtoActor virtual actor framework to resolve a persistent issue regarding consul health checks.
Marten persistence layer for IdentityServer4 using PostgreSQL as a document store
Ultra-fast distributed actors for .NET.
UserAuthRepository implementation using Marten Document Database
Akka Persistence journal and snapshot store runned by Marten and stored in a Postgresql 9.5+ database.
Helpers for Marten-backed AspNetCore applications
Marten-backed Persistence for JasperFx Applications
Marte sink for Serilog
Marten persistence layer for IdentityServer4 using postgresql as a document store
A small and simple package to add dependeny tracking for Azure Application Insights when using Marten with PostgreSql
A way to sync the data column with your classes properties.