Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Mars.Common
Total dependencies: 3
MARS LIFE is a modelling framework for agent-based simulations.
It provides the following features:
* Agent definitions
* Layer definitions
* Integration of GIS spatial data like raster-files (*.asc, *.geotiff) and
vector formats (*.shp, *....
The runtime core provides step-based execution for
multi-agent simulations in distributed environments as well as polyglot result output with different output types such as (MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis, CSV, GeoJson Socket, ...).
For furher details please use the documentatio...
This package provides central modelling components for agent-based simulation.
It contains agent environments with update spatial indexing structures for agents
and graphs as well as GIS layer to process vector files (*.geojson, *.shp, *.kml, *.gml)
and raster fil...