Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MarkdownSharp

Total dependencies: 40

Pages module for BetterCMS. Better CMS is publishing focused and developer friendly .NET Open source CMS.
It's like ClickOnce but Works™
MVCForum is a fully featured ASP.NET MVC 5 discussion board/forum. The software has some features similar to that seen on StackOverFlow plus LOTS more.
Useful extensions/tools/utils I keep using all over the place. Hit me up (@bscheiman) if you need help.
Formerly known as SpecFlow.Reporting: generate SpecFlow testresult reports.
An XActLib assembly: an implementation of the Markdown contracts defined in XAct.IO.Transformations.Markdown, using the Markdownsharp library.
A FubuMVC plugin that allows you to describe and publish documentation for RESTful services.
CodeSpec is a framework that is created to allow users to write UI tests without writing a single line of test code.
A forked from SpecResults project to provide the ability to generate test result in cucumber format.
Drop in blog for MVC4 websites
A Markdown view engine that works with the Jessica micro web framework.
On-the-fly image scaling and transformation, less to css, minify of javascripts, etc.
Markdown based statically generated wiki engine