Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Markdown

Total dependencies: 13

Contains the web assemblies needed to run Umbraco Cms. This package only contains assemblies and can be used for package development. Use the UmbracoCms package to setup Umbraco in Visual Studio as an ASP.NET project.
netstandard2.1 C# for Linux (or Windows)
A random bunch of MVC Feather controls and extensions to improve your sitefinity experience - Tabstrip, Kendo or Bootstrap - Markdown Editor - Twitter - Document Tree - Print to PDF - Google maps widget - Page Title widget - Versioned Css\Js MVC Link h...
A simple package contains basic crud functions, bad word replacer, rate limiter(throttling) and basic email service using mongodb
Enables using Markdown with Nancy.
Koben.ReferenceFinder is a library for finding all the places a content or media item has been used as a property value.
Koben.ReferenceFinder.Dashboard is an Umbraco dashboard for the Koben.ReferenceFinder library.
Koben.Kompair.Dashboard is an Umbraco dashboard for the Koben.Kompair library.
Markdown template for dependency injection service
Generates a blog post from valid LINQPad files (*.linq). Transforms markdown and LATEX embedded in code comments into html, and also includes the output of calls to LINQPad's Dump() method. Currently supports output to the file system and blogs.
Package Description
Interface IMarkdownTransformer and Implementation MarkdownTransformer dependent on Markdown and AgilityPack and MarkdownTagHelper
An extension to the UmbracoHelper with several ease of life improvements, such as code first generation of dictionary items and getting dictionary items from a partial key