Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MahApps.Metro

Total dependencies: 92

A toolkit for creating WPF apps using the MahApps.Metro framework.
ViewModel-first WPF framework
Material Message Box for WPF and Silverlight
WPF part of the microframework. Includes untilities to handle both View First and Model First apps.
Some common control code,avalondock,datagrid,mahapps...are included.
User Control Library for Metro Styled Dialogs.
WPF/MVVM Extensions
Here is a set of control that merge the functionality of both Menu and Ribbon
Combining MahApps.Metro and Caliburn.Micro and Autofac Bootstrapper support
Metro module for Gemini, integrating MahApps Metro window
A visualization of the entities and their relations as tracked by Db- and ObjectContext
Basic Ribbon interface for Wider
Metro style theme for Wider
UI elements of cTrader Alert library
This is sub module of Crema Project
A kw platform to moduling app!
KwProject service collection.