Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Lykke.Common

Total dependencies: 183

Client for Lykke.Service.ClientAssetRule API
Contract for the Lykke.Job.CandlesProducer job
Client for Lykke.Service.Wallets API
Client for Lykke.Service.Tracker API
Client for Lykke.Service.RateCalculator API
Lykke libriary for sending serialized emails to the blob storage and adding events in azure storage
Client for Lykke.Service.SwiftCredentials API
Client for Lykke.Service.MarketProfile API
Client for Lykke.Service.IncreasticEventIndicators API
Client for Lykke.Service.IataApi API
Client for Lykke.AlgoStore.Service.Logging API
Client for Lykke.Service.CrossExchangeLiquidity API
Client for Lykke.AlgoStore.Service.AlgoTrades API
Client for Lykke.Service.Settings API
Client for Lykke.Service.IcoCommon API
Client for Lykke.Service.ClientDictionaries API
Client for Lykke.Service.ActionConfirmation API
Client for Lykke.Service.BlockchainBalances API
Client for Lykke.Service.Visa API
A fork of the QuickFixN library -