Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on LinFu.DynamicProxy

Total dependencies: 8

Adds support for interception to Ninject using LinFu
Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) interception support using LinFu.
DotGoodies.Testing.RhinoMocksExtensions provides 3 things for behaviour driven unit tests: * A base class for tests using RhinoMocks. * A way to create thread safe mock that can be called from several threads in parallel. This is to fix a well known bug in version 3.6 of RhinoMocks. ...
A library that adds strongly-typed duck typing, dynamic expando objects, and dynamic metaclasses to the common language runtime.
A C# extension library that allows users to compose and curry Func<> and Action<> delegate instances at runtime.
A C# library for managing, creating, and binding to CLR delegates at runtime. Also includes partial application for delegates such as Func<> and Action<> types.
Provides utilities and contracts to implement the Repository anti-pattern with advanced query features