Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on LibGit2Sharp

Total dependencies: 84

The mvc portion of Edity McEditface.
Common services with Altinn Platform functionality and Altinn Apps functionality
Git plugin for Meep. Supports basic Git operations on any repository.
Download wiki pages from a git repository (will also fetch updates automatically)
net standard library that can generate a changelog based on the git history
A tool simular to or to analyse a git repo and render a team dashboard. The dashboard can then be used to make data drive decisions about the team.
Инструменты автоматизации
Core class library for GmodNET.VersionTool designed to be used in self-titled CLI tool or other apps/libs.
Create release notes based on closed GitHub issues and publish GitHub releases
Create release notes based on closed GitHub issues and publish GitHub releases
This is an experimental library that allows you to use git to version control your content.
A tool for managing Aras Innovator installations focusing on improving the import/export experience.
A wrapper for libgit2sharp to make git operations asynchronous
SourceIndexingSharp is a tool to source index pdb files for easier debugging.
Use a git repository for backups.