Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Kephas.Model

Total dependencies: 6

Provides data modeling abstractions. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - IIdentifiable, IGuidIdentifiable, INamed, ITagged, IHierarchyNode. Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to deliver a solid infrastructure for applications and appli...
Provides a modeling API framework for data. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - IEntityType, IKey. - Dimensions: Client (area), Domain (area). - AttributedModel: EntityAssemblyAttribute, EntityTypeAttribute, KeyAttribute, NaturalKey...
Provides a modeling API framework for messaging. Provides the model for messaging, including the Message classifier and Messaging scope dimension. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - IMessageType. - Dimensions: Messaging (area). ...
Provides a common infrastructure for testing Kephas based model services. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - TestBase. - Injection: InjectionTestBase. Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to deliver a solid infrastructure fo...
Provides the infrastructure for the workflow model.
Provides a common infrastructure for testing Kephas based services. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - TestBase. - Injection: InjectionTestBase. Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to deliver a solid infrastructure for appl...