Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Core Kotlin Extensions

Total dependencies: 66

Xamarin.Android Binding for Abed Elaziz Shehadeh's LightCompressor, a powerful and easy-to-use video compression library for Android uses MediaCodec API.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Romman Sabbir's AnimationX. A simple & awesome animation library for Android
Xamarin.Android Binding for TalbotGooday's ToothyProgress, a polyline determinated ProgressBar.
Xamarin.Android Binding for SpikeySanju's MotionToast, a beautiful Motion Toast library for Android
Xamarin.Android Binding for brkckr's Candela, an iOS style brightness control view. 🔆 🔅
Xamarin.Android Binding for Vovaksenov99's OverscrollableScrollView. Small Android custom view with smooth overscroll. You can add header with scale background.
Xamarin.Android Binding for zhpanvip's BannerViewPager, an awesome banner view for Android, based on ViewPager2
Xamarin.Android Binding for AgnaldoNP's AGSkeletonLoading, an Android library to provide a easy way to include skeleton loading.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Shreyas Patil's Material NavigationView for Android. 📱 Android Library to implement Rich, Beautiful Material Navigation View for your project with Material Design Guidelines. Easy to use.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Shaban Kamell's AppHead, a Head View like Facebook Messenger for Android
Xamarin.Android Binding for Chrisvin Jem's LiquidSwipe.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Paweł Zienowicz's AutoScrollViewPager (com.github.pzienowicz:androidx-auto-scroll-view-pager), an auto scroll ViewPager working with AndroidX libraries
Xamarin.Android Binding for Michal Švec's SingleRowCalendar, an Android library for horizontal single row calendar. With this library, you aren't attached to library built-in UI. You can create really beautiful and customizable UI and use selection features without hands getting dirty with RecyclerV...
Xamarin.Android Binding for Joery Droppers' AnimatedBottomBar, a customizable and easy to use BottomBar navigation view with sleek animations.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Mert Şimşek's TabScrollAttacher.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Alexander Dadukin's SwipeToActionLayout, another one swipe to reveal like menu for Android
Xamarin.Android Binding for İbrahim Süren's SmoothBottomBar, a lightweight Android material bottom navigation bar library
Xamarin.Android Binding for İbrahim Süren's CirclesLoadingView, an Android Google Style Loading Animation Library for Android
Xamarin.Android Binding for Alexander Dadukin's SamuraiView. Simple showcase library. Made Samurai great again! ⚔️
Xamarin.Android Binding for TizisDeepan's PieProgress, a circular progress view similar to the one that you can find in iOS devices while updating applications. It's a simple to use library where the progress gets updated by passing values to a single method.