Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Jurassic
Total dependencies: 31
SuperScript offers a means of declaring assets in one part of a .NET web solution and have them emitted somewhere else. In conjunction with SuperScript.Templates, this library offers pre-compilation into a jQuery.tmpl HTML template.
SuperScript offers a means of declaring assets in one part of a .NET web solution and have them emitted somewhere else. In conjunction with SuperScript.Templates, this library offers pre-compilation into a JavaScript Templates HTML template.
Plugin for the Knyaz.Optimus to connect Jurassic JavaScript engine.
NEsper Jurassic Scripting.
A Markdig plugin to pre-render code blocks with the highlight.js library.
jQuery-tmpl HTML template compilation support for Cassette.
CoffeeScript compiler support for Cassette
A .NET library for running messageformat.js on the server.
A plugin for ASP.NET that will precompile and cache JavaScript templates on the server.