Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Isopoh.Cryptography.SecureArray

Total dependencies: 4

Argon2 Password Hasher written in C#. Uses Isopoh.Cryptography.Blake2 for hashing and Isopoh.Cryptography.SecureArray to protect sensitive data.
Blake2 hash for sensitive data. Uses Isopoh.Cryptography.SecureArray to assure sensitive data gets wiped from RAM and, if the operating system allows, never gets written to disk.
This package contains platform-specific native code builds of secp256k1. Included:win-x86/libsecp256k1.dll, win-x64/libsecp256k1.dll, osx-x64/libsecp256k1.dylib and linux-x64/
This package contains platform-specific native code builds of secp256k1. Included:win-x86/libsecp256k1.dll, win-x64/libsecp256k1.dll, osx-x64/libsecp256k1.dylib and linux-x64/