Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Ioc.Modules.Contract

Total dependencies: 34

Configures packages using Ioc.Modules as a Ninject module
A much better URL rewriter than the one that comes with IIS and fully backwards compatible
Owin middleware to serve static files
A modular way of configuring IOC dependencies that is independent of the container
Strongly typed configuration management system with change notification
Configures packages using Ioc.Modules into a Unity container
Configure Owin Framework middleware using Urchin
Data access layer for the Owin Framework authorization middleware that uses the Prius ORM
Owin middleware to generate visualization of the OWIN pipeline
Owin middleware to generate analytics report
Owin middleware to document other Owin middleware
Owin middleware to catch and report exceptions
Configures packages using Ioc.Modules with the Autofac builder
An open architecture for interoperable OWIN middleware
Fast and robust layer for accessing databases. SQL Server, MySQL, Aurora, MariaDB, Sqlite and PostgrSQL. Designed for people that prefer to use stored procedures but works equally well for ad-hoc queries. Does not generate SQL statements from LINQ expressions.
Owin middleware to map requests for the site root to a specific page on the site
Owin middleware to return 404 responses
Owin Framework ICache facility that stores cached data in local memory
Owin Framework IIdentityStore facility that stores identity information in a database using Prius ORM
Owin Framework ITokenStore facility that uses the ICache facility to store tokens