Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on IdentityModel

Total dependencies: 476

Core library for api use and extensibility entry point to the TitanHRE REST API set
A Method for Signing HTTP Requests for OAuth
Use MessagePackSerializer Object to byte[]
.NET Core policies for letting MVC controllers authorize that the user is a member of the requested team and that the team has a valid subscription for the requested service.
ASP.NET 5 Authentication Middleware using OAuth 2.0 Introspection (rfc7662)
A library for extending UmbracoIdentity to integrate with IdentityServer
A middleware for validating signed HTTP requests for OAuth
An IdentityServer plugin for authenticating against a ASP.NET 2.0 Membership Database
AspNet Identity 3 IUserService for IdentityServer3
Portable C# Sdk for the WhereIsMyTransport platform.
.NET Core C# Sdk for the WhereIsMyTransport platform.
RIDGID Services REST API Client