Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Ical.Net

Total dependencies: 20

Obsolete. Use
The core library of the open-source and free platform WebVella ERP. It allows a quick and painless creation of business web applications.
SuperOffice NetServer Core is SuperOffice's data access technology for new applications. This is for onsite installations with the same version. This also works with SuperOffice Online.
.NET Toolkits (class libraries) containing reusable code for speeding up development of any .NET applications. NKit.Standard is the .NET Standard compatible version of NKit.
.NET Toolkits (class libraries) containing reusable code for speeding up development of any .NET applications. NKit.Standard is the .NET Standard compatible version of NKit. NKit.Windows is the .NET Framework compatbile version of NKit. NKit.Core is the latest .NET Core compatible version of N...
.NET Toolkits (class libraries) containing reusable code for speeding up development of any .NET applications. NKit.Standard is the .NET Standard compatible version of NKit. NKit.Windows is the .NET Framework compatbile version of NKit. NKit.Core is the latest .NET Core compatible version of N...
Składnik programu Soneta. Program obsługi firmy: kadry-płace, księgowość, handel, magazyn, CRM, BI ...
Helps to convert schedule of HIT.
Helps to convert schedule of HIT.
Human readable extension for iCal.NET RecurrencePattern
EventCalendar package core files
A collection of utilities, helpers and extensions
Utilities that generate RSS and Calendar syndication feeds
Generate an image of a table from a calendar.
Парсер расписания Томского политехнического университета (
Extension library to the NFC / NDEF library to enable additional, platform-specific use cases. Based on the cross platform NFC / NDEF library, this extension module adds additional NDEF record classes that integrate with platform features to enable additional use cases. The extension enables creati...
A simple library for getting the public holidays for a country/language
CalDAV .NET client library
Package Description
Package Description