Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NRefactory

Total dependencies: 15

Składnik programu Soneta. Program obsługi firmy: kadry-płace, księgowość, handel, magazyn, CRM, BI ...
ScriptCs.Engine.Mono provides a Mono-based script engine for scriptcs.
With the SDK of SharePoint Code Analysis Framework (SPCAF) custom rules, metrics etc. can be created.
Administration Panel.
Exposes WPF controls for easier scripting, autocompletion, C# REPL...
Aardvark Native Build Helper
Creates NRefactory Compilation Units from .net solutions. Each csharp project, incuding its files, external assemblies and referenced projects are resolved and included on the compilation units
Generates and parses typed models in Umbraco.
A port Mono.Debugging.Win32 to AvalonStudio.
A port Mono.Debugging to AvalonStudio.