Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on HtmlAgilityPack

Total dependencies: 875

Reading control made for UWP, theoretically supports TXT and Epub
Tools for building better Voicify Webhooks in .NET
HTML, JSON, XML, SQL, and text parser for Komodo. Please either install Komodo.Daemon to integrate search within your application, or Komodo.Server to run a standalone server. Komodo is an information search, metadata, storage, and retrieval platform.
This is a library of useful methods implemented on .NET Core that will give you a quick start.
YunFan.Gallery is a utils library help me build uwp apps.
Change Log-- 1. automated Scrapping of ID, Class, Anchor, Xpath from given web page and creation of JsonTemplate for UI Controls. 2. Code Refactoring. 3. Bug Fixes. 4. Improved Getting Started guide.
AspNetCore almighty overlord that is too sweet for you.
Application framework for .NET Core Core控制器與分頁結果相關擴充並支援XWidget.Web.Exceptions套件的例外處理
QuickStart your web testing automation focusing only on what is important, being productive. Once you set your solution to x86 or x64, inherit a class and change your app.config as you want, this will provide an automatic Selenium WebDriver setup and session management, ExtentReports (Including Klov...
Apache Lucene search module for Better CMS. Better CMS is publishing focused and developer friendly .NET Open source CMS.
It's what happens when Bootstrap and ASP.NET MVC make sweet, sweet love. Provides HtmlHelpers for the Bootstrap CSS framework.
FileCurator is a simple manager for your files. It tries to give them a common interface to deal with files whether on your system or other locations.
TESSA library for UI applications running on Windows and using WPF.
A strongly type .Net client for interacting with the HMRC APIs
Utility for walking of JSON and XML for merge and diff proposes
SpannableTextView is an extended Zebble TextView that is able to render simple markups such color and bold tags.
Kode-Aid shared HTML utility library.
[DEPRECATED] Use new package RafaelEstevam.Simple.Spider See github for details
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