Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Grpc.AspNetCore.Server

Total dependencies: 33

Exposes a Durable Task storage implementation as GRPC
Package Description
Package Description
Extensions for gRPC Services which simplify separating implementations of the service methods into CQRS like `ICommand`/`IQuery` implementation classes.
一个基于GRPC的简单微服务框架 1.服务注册和发现 2.服务自动负载均衡 3.服务端中件间(性能监控[日志],全局错误处理,手动熔断) 4.客户端中件间(认证,超时时间设置) 5.DashBoard(远程调用,手动熔断,日志输出控制) 6.Grpc CodeFirst
SciTech.Rpc is a high-performance, code-first, remote procedure call framework, designed to handle remote procedure calls on all levels. From internet deployed services over HTTP/2 (based on gRPC), to in-process proxy communication. This package contains the communication layer for the fully manage...
Package Description