Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on GraphQL

Total dependencies: 119

Semi automatic Relay and Apollo compatible GraphQL for C#
GraphQL Generator helper. Generates the graph for your database. Still in development.
GraphQl server annotations
GraphQL Conventions for .NET
GraphQL EntityFrameworkCore Dynamic Linq extensions to query GraphQL types dynamically
Simple CLR-to-GraphQL mapper
Package Description
.Net client library for GraphQL with typed calls
GraphQL CacheProvider help storing graphQL queries in cache.
Library containing some helper methods for GraphQL apis. Includes data-loaders and (cursor based) pagination helper methods.
GraphQL.Tests is a utility libary for testing Graphql.NET.
This is a complement to graphql-dotnet ( to avoid boilerplate
Types to add Relay support to graphql-dotnet
Adds GeoPoint scalar type.
Extensive Pokemon GraphQL API
Extends GraphQL.DotNet to allow configuring DTOs and Input fields from the datamodel with annotations.
GraphQl Extensions. Contains Xlsx output formatter, csv output formatter
Implementation of an OptionType in GraphQL.