Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Google.Apis.Drive.v2 Client Library

Total dependencies: 10

Library of common functions of the .NET programmer, for version 4.5 of the Microsoft .NET Framework.
This is the SDK for smooth building of pluglets for esoptra server
Library of common functions of the .NET.Core programmer, for version 3.1 or higher of the Microsoft .NET Core.
Consists of common utils for AT Pro and Android Automation projects
The CloudFS-Legacy library is a collection of legacy versions of .NET assemblies as gateways to various publicly accessible Cloud storage services.
WPF based control that implements most aspects of Windows Explorer. It can be used to display shell objects or any hierarchical data.
Version 1.0.0
This library is used to create folders , upload and download files, delete files and folders
Core functionality to connect to Google's APIs