Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Gemini

Total dependencies: 14

Game-centric database system, with support for plugins/modding. This is the editor part, there is also Papyrus, the client data assembly.
CodeEditor module for Gemini, providing a syntax-highlighted code editor using AvalonEdit.
ErrorList module for Gemini, providing a tool window to display messages, warnings and errors.
PropertyGrid module for Gemini, utilising the PropertyGrid control from the Extended WPF Toolkit.
Inspector module for Gemini, providing a flexible PropertyGrid-esque tool window.
Output module for Gemini, providing a buffered output tool pane.
Inspector.Xna module for Gemini, adding editors for XNA types to the Inspector module.
Metro module for Gemini, integrating MahApps Metro window
SharpDX module for Gemini, providing integration for SharpDX/Direct3D content in WPF.
MonoGame module for Gemini, providing WPF integration for MonoGame content.
Inspector.MonoGame module for Gemini, adding editors for MonoGame types to the Inspector module.
CodeCompiler module for Gemini, providing C# code compilation using Roslyn.
Xna module for Gemini, providing two methods of integrating XNA content in WPF.
GraphEditor module for Gemini, providing UI controls to edit a graph of connected nodes.