Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on GHIElectronics.TinyCLR.Devices.I2c

Total dependencies: 20

Wrapper for Adafruit TftDisplayShield
The LIS2HH12 Accelerometer library for TinyCLR OS.
Silead GSL1680 driver for TinyCLR OS.
Microchip Ov9655 driver for TinyCLR OS.
FocalTech FT5xx6 driver for TinyCLR OS.
SolomonSystech SSD1306 driver for TinyCLR OS.
Wrapper for Adafruit ColorSensor1334
Wrapper for Gadgeteer AccelG248
Wrapper for Grove Rtc module
Wrapper for Grove LcdRgbBacklight module
Wrapper for Grove I2cColorSensor
Wrapper for Grove BarometerSensorBME280 module
Wrapper for Gadgeteer TempHumid
Wrapper for Gadgeteer Gyro
TinyCLR library for the MS5837 pressure sensor.
TinyCLR library for the ADS1115 Analog-to-Digital Converter.
TinyCLR library for the BME280 Humidity, Barometric Pressure + Temp sensor. Supports SPI and I2C
TinyCLR library for the DS3231 I²C real-time clock (RTC)