Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Fasterflect.Netstandard

Total dependencies: 14

Kharazmi.AspNetCore.Core is a Lightweight and Extensible Infrastructure for provides common scenarios' solutions for ASP.NET Core applications.
This package contains a lightweight, embeddable C# Zabbix Agent that responds to Zabbix Passive Checks.
Defines abstractions for consumer driven event subscription based on NEventStore library
Library for building domain models based on DDD
A VisualStudio tool to allow programmers to develop Transaction Aware classes for NHibernate. TransactionAware AOP is implemented at compile time with CompileTimeWeaver.Fody.
Package Description
Helper library for the awesome DefaultECS to compose complex entity hierarchies from templates. Implements template based entity composition with multiple inheritance and composition of hierarchy from any source, including text files.
A package, which includes helpful auxiliary methods. With this package, software development is faster. Features: - Extensions - Helpers - Filters * AjaxOnlyAttribute * ContentTypeFilterAttribute * GlobalizationFilterAttribute * PasswordValidatorAttribute * PreventDuplicateReque...
Dynamic API library
SceneJect is a Unity3D scene-based dependency injection library that relies on third party IoC container libraries.
Modified original ILRepack by changing functionality for using ModuleDefinitions instead of file names to repack assemblies.