Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Fabrik.Common

Total dependencies: 9

Fabrik API Client for .NET.
Fabrik.Common.WebAPI is full of useful code we use for building ASP.NET Web API applications at fabrik.
Fabrik API Client Helpers for ASP.NET MVC.
Core model and commands for the Fabrik API.
Fabrik.Common.Web.StructureMap contains all the pieces you need to hook up ASP.NET MVC with StructureMap.
NLog implementation for Fabrik.Common.Logging.
Fabrik.SimpleBus is a simple in-process message bus written in C# that uses TPL Dataflow to provide asynchronous messaging capabilities.
Fabrik.Common.Web is full of useful code we use for building ASP.NET web applications at fabrik.
Core library for building HTTP API clients using .NET.