Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Fable.Promise

Total dependencies: 28

A more functional construct on-top of Fable.Core.
Fable bindings for Jest and friends
Fable bindings for react-testing-library
A type-safe functional wrapper for SignalR, Fable, and Feliz
A type-safe functional wrapper for SignalR, Fable, and Elmish
A type-safe functional wrapper for SignalR and Fable
Jest wrapper for fast-check
Fable bindings for fast-check
Fable bindings for Facebook's recoil.
Web workers in Fable made easy, exposed as React hooks and Elmish commands.
Fable bindings written in the Feliz-style for sweetalert2
Fable bindings written in the Feliz-style for material-table
Fable bindings for react-native-device-info
Toast encapsulation program for your Elmish application
useElmish hooks to build Elmish components as React components
Debouncer implementation for Elmish applications
Library for working with Fable.Fetch and Thoth.Json when doing web request
Package Description
Fable.React.Adaptive provides react bindings for adaptive values from FSharp.Data.Adaptive.
Fable.Elmish.Adaptive provides an elmish(ish) frontend for writing web apps with FSharp.Data.Adaptive