Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Fable.Core

Total dependencies: 250

Fable bindings for react-native-segmented-control-tab
Fable bindings for react-native-color-wheel
SweetAlert2 integration with Fable, implemented as Elmish commands
Fable bindings for Babylon.js
Provides fable bindings for axios, a promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js.
Provides fable bindings for the firebase functions SDK.
Provides fable bindings for the Firebase admin SDK.
Fable bindings for downshift.
Fable bindings for react-transition-group npm package
Wrapper for BluePrint.TimeZone for Fable Elmish
Wrapper for BluePrint.Table for Fable Elmish
Wrapper for BluePrint.Select for Fable Elmish
Wrapper for BluePrint.Icons for Fable Elmish
Fable bindings for autosuggest-highlight.
Fable bindings for match-sorter.
Provides fable bindings for the google-cloud/storage npm package.
Provides fable bindings for react-bodymovin, a library that parses Adobe After Effects animations and renders them natively in the browser.
Elm inspired URL builder.
Provides fable bindings for the Mocha unit test framework.
Dap Prelude on Fable, provide logging and other basic abstractions