Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on FSharpx.Collections

Total dependencies: 17

.NET implementation of an RDB2RDF storage based on R2RML mapping file
F# quotations to OpenCL C translator.
OpenCL C printer: from AST to text.
FSharpx.Extras implements general functional constructs on top of the F# core library. Its main target is F# but it aims to be compatible with all .NET languages wherever possible.
Scope Claim authorization requirment for ASP.NET Core
An EventSourcing library
An EventSourcing library
An EventSourcing library
An EventSourcing library. Test helpers.
An EventSourcing library
A provider for MS SQL Server for the Perfect Shuffle Eventsourcing Library
An in-memory provider for the Perfect Shuffle Eventsourcing Library. Events are not persisted so not usually suitable for production but can be useful for unit testing.
A provider for Sqlite for the Perfect Shuffle Eventsourcing Library
Event Sourcing library for F#
Package Description
A lightweight library for neural networks that runs anywhere
F# library for creating OpenSCAD code