Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on FSharp.Core

Total dependencies: 2244

Building Dockerfiles from F#.
Clients for multiple cryptocurrency exchanges. All clients have a shared interface for common actions.
A Qvitoo API client
Coordinate Reference System Transformations adapter implementation using the adaptee third-part library 'ProjNet4GeoAPI'.
Coordinate Reference System Transformations adapter implementation using the adaptee third-part library 'MightyLittleGeodesy'. For more information see the project website at github
Coordinate Reference System Transformations adapter implementation using the adaptee third-part library 'DotSpatial'. For more information see the project website at github
Asynchronous sequences for F#, forked by Johann Deneux with a suggested fix for a performance issue in AsyncSeq.cache
Alternative query binding mechanism for Giraffe apps
An F# implementation of the xAPI specification with a focus on type safety and immutability.
Alternative JSON model binding mechanism for Giraffe apps without definting intermediate types
LtlSharp aims at providing model checking feature as a library for easy integration with external tools.
Practical dependency injection in Giraffe that gets out of your way
Finds localizable messages in *.fs and *.cs files by looking for calls such as I18n.Translate("message") in those sources. Puts unique messages into specified JSON file (updates it if neccessary). Class name, method name and other things are configurable
A logger for F# that has configurable outputs.
Colorize console output for F#
Sodium - Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) library for F#.
PouchDB wrappers and helpers for Fable
Form abstraction making it easier to works with form in Elmish application