Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on FParsec
Total dependencies: 111
An Experimental OData Implementation in Suave With LiteDB.FSharp
Infers.Toys provides a collection of more or less experimental datatype
generic functions for F#. The primary focus of Infers.Toys is to
demonstrate possibilities rather than to provide the best possible
implementations. The documentation of individual generic functions
typically mention known lim...
Arachne - Types for HTTP and related RFCs.
Nadapa is a small utility library that can be used for extracting DateTime objects from natural language text.
Semantic Version Type (SemVer 2.0.0) for .NET Framework
Chimayo is a library for creating and manipulating SQL Server Integration Services packages with F# code.
Chimayo provides a completely different development experience for producing SSIS packages that fits with modern software development:
* Write code, not a custom DSL, and benefit from refactor...
An implementation of Facebook's GraphQL for .NET and F#.
Chess board representation with abilities ro read FEN, SAN, give detailed validation info on moves, get all legal moves in position, and make Zobrist hash keys
A type provider for normal RESTy routes. Reads a routes file and provides types for them.
Types and parsers for working with the HTTP State (Cookies) specification in RFC 6265
Types and parsers for working with the HTTP Patch specification in RFC 5789 and RFC 7231
Types and parsers for working with the HTTP Origin specification in RFC 6454 and the W3C CORS specification
Types and parsers for working with the HTTP specifications in RFC 7230