Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on FGS.FaultHandling.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 8

Defines basic implementations of fault handling components.
Provides a retry predicate that enables retry for exceptions that are caused by Win32 errors.
Provides a retry predicate that enables retry for exceptions caused by SQL Server connectivity issues.
Implements fault handling patterns using Polly.
Provides the ability to configure Autofac with behavior that will dynamically intercept concrete classes marked with `RetryOnFaultAttribute` such that failed operations will be retried with a configurable exponential back-off. This package is for Autofac version 5. For an identical API ...
Provides an implementation of an interceptor, which uses a retry policy coordinator to execute (and potentially retry) inbound invocations.
Provides the ability to configure Autofac with behavior that will dynamically intercept concrete classes marked with `RetryOnFaultAttribute` such that failed operations will be retried with a configurable exponential back-off. This package is for Autofac version 4. For an identical API ...