Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on ExtentReports

Total dependencies: 32

QuickStart your web testing automation focusing only on what is important, being productive. Once you set your solution to x86 or x64, inherit a class and change your app.config as you want, this will provide an automatic Selenium WebDriver setup and session management, ExtentReports (Including Klov...
Automation reporter that creates HTML reports and log files
Test abstraction for web ui testing based on selenium and specflow test framework
Test abstraction for CRM D365 UI testing based on selenium for Microsoft D365
Contains Nugets: 1. Selenium 2. ChromeDriver 3. Extentreports (html loger)
Package Description
Package Description
Automation Framework
C# CAT framework
This is reusable base pack for ERP automation using BDD
NUnit plugins used for test result reporting and other services
This Package will install all the dependency Packages of the Automation Framework and Create the Folder Structure