Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Examine

Total dependencies: 28

A directory factory implementation for Examine to store the primary index files in Blob storage and syncing them to the local fast drive.
Clear CDN cache for Umbraco on content save
Yomego loves Umbraco, but not so much the way the whole thing kind of ignores how Mvc works. We have built this framework for our own use, but if you fancy using it, give it a whirl. It has custom builds of both Ditto and uSync in which we also love, so much kudos to those guys too for...
An extension to the UmbracoHelper with several ease of life improvements, such as code first generation of dictionary items and getting dictionary items from a partial key
Umbraco 6 caching library used by Rhythm Agency.
Display your DocTypes in the Umbraco's Edit View organized in the same structure as your Document Types folder. Comes with preview capability!
UmbracoSocialPluginAdapters adds Facebook and Twitter adapters for the jQuery Social Stream Plugin to your site!