Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on EventStore.ClientAPI.NetCore

Total dependencies: 40

Akka.NET Persistence journal store backed by EventStore.
Akka.NET Persistence read journal backed by EventStore.
Extension made in .Net Core to process an event store subscription in a webjob.
Binding Extension for Azure Functions to access
EventStoreDB persistence for ProtoActor
EventStore integration for Galaxy
This package contains a wrapping implementation of IDispatcher which supports writing snapshots of in-memory viewmodel state to disk, serialised with ProtoBuf.
Event store client wrapper for sample applications
This is an implementation of the message store used for decoupled invocation of commands by Paramore.Brighter, using Event Store
Event sourcing implementation.
This package contains an IEventStore implementation based on GetEventStore
EventSourcing, ES, CQRS, DDD, EventStore
This package contains SDK to persist aggregates in EventStore
Extension for NetStandard to process an event store subscription in a webjob.
BeatPulse.EventStore is the health check package for EventStore BeatPulse
Reactive extensions for eventstore subscriptions
Storage provider for Memstate based on EventStore