Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on envdte80

Total dependencies: 14

APIs for invoking NuGet services in Visual Studio.
A member of the Visual Studio SDK
Meta package containing all VSSDK Reference Assemblies
Contains a custom tool / generator for generating ascx.designer.cs files from ascx files. CPS based projects can re-use this tool.
Maximus is a T4 generator alternative. Since 2010, that package helps many Netkoders' customers to generate their code. Thanks to that experience, the version 8 is a complete redesign of that generation tool for a better experience: - Bye bye T4 / Based on console applications. -...
Package Description
emFrameworkCore.CodeGen is a set of .Net Framework and .Net Core T4 template oriented code generation utilities, functions, templates, and extension developed by ExcelliMatrix to improve the delivery of software.
This allows the user to run custom Target tags from the .csproj or .csproj.user files directly from solution explorer nodes.
Visual studio extensibility Editor package