Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on EntityFramework

Total dependencies: 4898

A library that extends the functionality of Entity Framework by adding batch update, future queries and audit logs.
Early preview of some testing helpers for Entity Framework.
Generic Repository Entity Framework DbContext implementation.
Entity Framework SQL provider-neutral job storage implementation for Hangfire (
SQL Server/Entity Framework persistence for SocialSmith
Common infrastructure for EntityFramework
Data for metro
A library for handling soft deletes & timestamps in Entity Framework.
.Net 常用与扩展
Abstract Every application, let it be a desktop, web, mobile or any other you can image, either sends data to database or retrieves data from database to show it to the user. What if we automate the data sending and fetching process and focus only on the business logics? So that we don't need to wri...
db views support for Entity Framework Code First
Repository project that use Entity Framework and Dynamic Linq to provide useful methods for read and write entities with filter, pagination and ordination.
GenericRepository is a data access library using repository pattern.
GenericRepository is a data access library using repository pattern.