Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on EntityFramework

Total dependencies: 4898

Package Description
This is the Internet Project Template from the ASP.Net MVC 4 Beta
This is the Internet Project Template from the ASP.Net MVC 4 Beta
EventWay.Infrastructure.Sqlite is an Sqlite implementation of the Event and Projection Metadata Repository in the the modular Event Sourcing + CQRS framework, EventWay.
This SqLite data wrapper was designed to simplify using SqLite data access for anyone wishing to use SqLite as a database or document format in a .Net project. There is a base SQLite class called: SqLiteDataAccess. There is also a utility class that inherits SqLiteDataAccess that is called SQLiteDb...
Under Testing
Dynamicly create search predicate from search filters
General Models for API Request/Response
Contains a DataContext to connect to SigmaNEST database using EntityFramework6
Contains a DataContext to connect to SimTrans database using EntityFramework6
Miloc .Net Framework
Files for implementing CQRS tests at CCG.
Package Description
This package allow you build easily connection strings.