Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Elmah.Mvc

Total dependencies: 21

ELMAH error logger for sending errors to from ASP.NET Core. This package include initial configuration for getting up and running with
The default setup for the Ironman Framework. This includes adding LESS support, YUI is set as the default JS/CSS minifier, fastJSON and Bender are used for serialization, MiniProfiler for profiling, NLog for logging, and Glimpse is also added.
Simple ELMAH installation for Mvc with Trace Agent Plug-in.
This package logged issue and email the same to support
An ASP.NET MVC C# area that provides a dashboard and logviewer to ELMAH loggings on SQL Server. This package contains only sourcecode, no assemblies. It use d3 javascript library to draw chart. It is based on Arebis.Web.Mvc.ElmahDashboard
OData access to elmah.MVC log Just drop the package inside your ASP.NET MVC application. Url for log access: /elmahodata/ElmahOData/ URL
This package provides all the Mvc Components used by the Mvc Template
ERP Development Framework
A logging library based on ELMAH to simplify security logging like the following: Log.Login(model.UserName);
The Batman framework is designed to simplify application development and tries to put the focus back on your application. This is the default setup package for the MVC platform. This package sets up the following items: smtp email, bootstrapper (SimpleInjector), auto bundling of JS and CSS (using YU...
DragonGate.SDK Sample Package
My package description.
Useful stuff.
An Elmah appender that sends errors and excptions to Stackify