Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on EasyCaching.Core

Total dependencies: 43

A simple in-memory caching provider.
Entity Framework Core Second Level Caching Library.
A simple distributed caching provider based on StackExchange.Redis.
A simple caching bus(message bus) based on StackExchange.Redis.
A simple caching AOP extension library based on Castle
A simple caching AOP extension library based on AspectCore
A simple hybrid caching provider combines local caching and distributed caching.
A serialize library based on Newtonsoft.Json
A simple local caching provider based on Microsoft.Data.SQLite
A serialize library based on MessagePack
A simple distributed caching provider based on csredis.
A simple distributed caching provider based on EnyimMemcachedCore.
A serialize library based on protobuf-net
A simple caching bus(message bus) based on CSRedis.
A simple disk(file) caching provider.
Open-source IoT Platform - Device management, data collection, processing and visualization.
A serialize library based on System.Text.Json
A simple local caching provider based on LiteDB
A simple caching bus(message bus) based on RabbitMQ.
EasyCaching.ResponseCaching is the extension of ResponseCaching