Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on EPPlus
Total dependencies: 453
Funções Gerais da Max Automação
This is a library published by the Hexagon Applications group, for use primarily with PC-DMIS.
Convertir listas en archivos de .xlsx
Excel file generator
Enkilabs common library for support common features.
Common general logic
Package Description
This package provides a very simple data dump into Excel for MVC applicaitions.
This project exposes solid interfaces that contains basic operations for handling Excel files. It provides a factory that acts as a Façade to the concrete implementations with the great libraries NPOI and EPPlus.
The Keeple base framework.
Excel Interop library based on EPPlus
Contains all functionlities to genarate Excel based on object.
This library was written inspired by FluentValidator.
Package Description
Package Description
Excel Reader Library for old and new formats.