Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on DocumentFormat.OpenXml

Total dependencies: 394

Extensible library that allows removal of metadata from various document formats.
Vault.OpenXML provides extension methods for DocumentFormat.OpenXml library with easy to use export/import features.
Light Coding and Heavy Processing Excel Writer
SparkSoft extention for work with OpenXML documents and APIs
Exports List<T> into CSV/HTML/Word/Excel/PDF
Work with OpenXML
Assembly for reading Microsoft Office file properties.
This Package wraps OpenXml and provides components to more easily export and read excel documents
MagiQL :: MagiQL.Framework.Renderers.SpreadsheetGenerator
Breeze OpenXml Library
Adds some features to the Microsoft OpenXml SDK
Assembly for reading and writing office file properties and hidden tokens
Flat and Excel file helper to datatable
Wrapper for creating xlsx files with DocumentFormat.OpenXml usage: var excel = new Document(); //Get the first sheet var sheet1 = excel.GetSheets().First() //Change sheet name sheet1.Name = "My first sheet"; //Write some data sheet1.WriteToCell(1, 1, "Test 1"); //Create another sheet v...