Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on DockPanelSuite

Total dependencies: 18

Add the references required to develop a XrmToolBox plugin
The docking library for .Net Windows Forms development which mimics Visual Studio .Net.
Visual Studio 2015 themes for DockPanel Suite.
Visual Studio 2005 theme for DockPanel Suite with multiple UI thread support. (Not recommended)
Visual Studio 2012 themes for DockPanel Suite.
Visual Studio 2013 themes for DockPanel Suite.
Visual Studio 2003 theme for DockPanel Suite.
Visual Studio 2013 Blue theme for DockPanel Suite.
The Open-Source Library for quick WinForm CRUD application creation. With SimpleWinCRUD C# class library you can create a completely portable application for working with personal or corporate reference data. For example, contact lists, phone directories, bookmarks, password lists, etc. The applicat...
This package contains the runtime assemblies for NetCheatX Core. NetCheatX Core gives you everything necessary to create plugins for NetCheat X.
Core functions for Windows Forms used by SCHOTT products.
A simple experimental framework for dockable extensible GUI
基于.net 4.0 的winfrom 快速开发框架, 包含了常用的增删查改界面实现 动态创建表格(DataGridView) 输入控件的数据绑定 常用业务控件的封装 统一风格的窗体封装 动态菜单及基本权限管理的全实现 高级搜索的实现 目的:直接用于业务模块开发
Framework to ease developments of Windows Services based on ASK.ServEasy
Visual Studio 2012 Light theme for DockPanel Suite.
Visual Studio 2005 theme for DockPanel Suite.
My package description.