Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on DickinsonBros.Redactor.Abstractions
Total dependencies: 10
A Cosmos service
* DeleteAsync, FetchAsync, InsertAsync, and UpsertAsync Methods
* Captures Telemetry
* Adds Logging
Middleware for Function
* Logs requests redacted (With "api" in route)
* Logs responses redacted and status codes (With "api" in route)
* Adds Telemetry
* Handles Auth
* Handles correlation Ids
* Catch all uncaught exceptions and log them redacted
Middleware for ASP.Net
* Logs requests redacted (With "api" in route)
* Logs responses redacted and status codes (With "api" in route)
* Adds Telemetry
* Handles correlation Ids
* Catch all uncaught exceptions and log them redacted
SQL Service
* Methods: Execute, QueryFirst, QueryFirstOrDefault, Query, and BulkCopy
* Logs for all successful and exceptional runs
* Telemetry for all calls
A redactor that can take a json string or an object and return a redacted string in json.
* Configurable properties to redact by name
* Configurable regular expressions to validate against
* Sperate abstractions library to reduce coupling of packages.
A logging service that redacts all logs
* Redacts all logs
* Allows for dictionary of variables to be past in that all become first class propertys in the log.
* Ability to add a correlation id with scopes
* Allows for improved testability