Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on DataJuggler.UltimateHelper
Total dependencies: 7
DB Compare compares two instances of a SQL Server database. This project has been on .Net Framework
for about 10 or 12 years or more. DB Compare has been updated to .NET8.0, and should run faster.
C# Developers - Now you can create a project in a manner of minutes and this way you can stay updated ...
This package is a port of the .Net Framework version of the same name.
This project consists of a TextBoxComponent, Multiline TextBox, CheckBox, ComboBox,
CheckedListComboBox, CheckedListBox, Grid, Label, Calendar Component, Time Component
and more.
The CSS file DataJuggler.Blazor.Components.css contains many useful classes to help style
and position object...
This class is a port of DataJuggler.Net for the .Net Framework, which is used by
DataTier.Net and DB Compare to read SQL Server database schema and code generate stored procedure
driven data tiers.
The two main classes are:
SQLDatabaseConnector - A wrapper for SqlDatabaseConnection that reads data...
This package contains a series of controls such as a LabelTextBoxControl, LabelComboBoxControl,
LabelCheckBox, etc. This package was originally for .Net Framework, but has been ported to .Net 9. Use an 8.x version for .NET 8,
Use a 7.x version for .NET 7, etc.
RandomShuffler uses even distribution and is closer to simulating real cards or dice.
Update 11.15.2023: This project has been updated to .NET8.
Update 2.6.2023: I fixed the LargeNumberShuffler with 0 as a minimum number.
Update 11.8.2022
v7.0.3: This project has been updated for .NET7.
This is a port of the Dot Net Core version of CryptographyHelper from my Dot Net
Framework project DataJuggler.Core.UltimateHelper.
The code is available here:
This project adds many Nuget dependencies to use Konscious.Security.Cryptogr...