Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Dapper

Total dependencies: 1885

Simple SQLite data access library
Package Description
Package Description
FivePower.Hangfire.SQLite是基于.net core平台开发的应用框架中的基于Hangfire的定时计划处理类,数据库采用Sqlite。
A couple helper classes to make using TVP parameters with Dapper easier.
A set of extensions to Dapper, specifically for Microsoft SQL Server * TableValuedParameter<T> * ExecuteWithIdentity
Nexon Europe Web core libray
Basic library for database access using System.Common.Data
Dapper.Fluent is a small and easy library that supports fluent API for query construction and execution over database connection using Dapper.Net.
To using with Npgsql provider and Dapper framework
MVC Razor WebPages Asp.NET Framework
Extensions of Dapper MicroORM. This package contains: Dommel DapperFluentMap DapperFluentMap-Dommel
Repository ORM based on Dapper
A web framework based on CQRS but very much simplified framework.