Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Dapper

Total dependencies: 1885

File-based database migration engine. Use this nuget if you want to create your own CLI-tool. MySQL and SQL Server are supported.
Vulcan 基于Dapper.NET的数据库链接托管类库,支持数据库链接管理透明化,支持事务包装,内置支持Mysql和MSSQL数据库,可扩展支持其他数据库,只要Dapper支持即可
Based Upon DapperExtensions this Orm Package is fully refactoerd for performance and with added features like projection and In Predicate
A SQL Server provider implementation for the Eventus event sourcing framework.
Works with dapper to make calling stored procedures easier. Given an object the code creates a parameter collection with only the matching columns between procedure name and object. This package also contains bcp utilities that make using SqlBulkCopy less work. This code automatically lines up co...
Lightweight and simple Excel-based reporting engine allows you to generate reports in Excel (only 2007+ format) using specially developed syntax and data providers
Package Description
Lightweight and simple Excel-based reporting engine allows you to generate reports in Excel (only 2007+ format) using specially developed syntax and data providers
Handy Dapper extension to work with DB2. This package provides an enhancement of the Dapper.Contrib's features and some basic query extra-functionalities
Package Description
FluentDbTools provides a fluent SQL abstraction layer for creating database connections, building sql queries and migrating your database.
.NET Standard MemoryCache-Supportable universal generic repository based on Dapper® ORM and AutoMapper®.
Dapper操作MSSQL或MySQL基类封装(推荐配合Dommel组件使用), 具体使用方法请参阅README.md说明或者联系作者
Result object, Logging, Validation, and other common .NET development aids.
A lightweight ORM (Like EntityFramework) built on Dapper