Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on CsvHelper

Total dependencies: 401

Tools for interacting with next generation sequencing data.
A repository pattern implementation for CSVs. I dont have any docs for this yet but the source is avaliable here:, if you would like some more info raise an issue and I will write some up.
Diff library for comparing CSV files.
A framework for building testing tools that compare things.
Gets Lite DB1 as a typed List to save in your database or cache or whatever your persistent storage is. It can also load the data locally from a csv file. Usage: List<IPRangeCountry> range = IPToLocationHandler.Download();
Test Common Library
Tools for interacting with sequencing data.
A set of media type formatters.
An addon library for JoshuaKearney.Measurements that provides converters for the CSVHelper library
Allows for creation of plugins for CXDev Toolkit
Adds file support for TestData.Interface. Source is here -
A library that makes it easy to import csv files data
This is a simple .NET wrapper that helps getting data ouf of Yammer using the export API. It also supports exporting binaries and uploading them to an Azure blob storage account. More info
Lighthouse annotation library
Contains the core assemblies needed to build extensions for uConnector
support OWIN